Its name derives from the greek Pausilypon which literally means "a respite from danger" or "to heal the pain", a name linked to the landscape that you also enjoyed three thousand years ago from the area of Naples. Posillipo is already included in the sources of the ancient Greeks were the first to inhabit the cape then completely covered with rocks and trees. There are Roman ruins close to the shore and close to the highest point of the hill, you can see the remains of the openings ventilavano the tunnel leading to the residence of Publius Vedio Pollione.

There are also the remains of an amphitheater. The term of the ancient population of Naples is closed in the fortified walls and the whole area fell into decline, completely prey to the barbarian invasions and neglect. In the modern age, the area remained largely undeveloped until the construction of the Via Posillipo between 1812 and 1824. The road begins at the port of Mergellina and extends along the coast, almost parallel to the shore. Much of the area has been heavily reconstructed after the Second World War, but has preserved several historic buildings, including Villa Rosbery, today the residence owned by the President of the Republic.

On the tip of Cape Posillipo Park is submerged Gaiola, established in 2002 jointly by the Ministries of the Environment and Cultural Heritage, in the waters surrounding the islands of Gaiola, stretching from the port of Marechiaro the Bay of Trentaremi, with the aim of Environmental protection and Archaeological that. Another important site is the Imperial Villa Pausilypon, where, among one of the best views of the Gulf, it is possible to see the remains of the imposing Theatre and some boardrooms. Another source of pride is the singular Schilizzi Mausoleum, one of the best Italian examples of the architectural style neoegizio, which now serves the function monument to the fallen of the two world wars.

The Posillipo hill is crossed by four main roads almost parallel: Via Posillipo, which runs parallel to the coast from Mergellina to Cape Posillipo, by Francesco Petrarca (formerly "Via Panoramica") in a higher position with features views of the bay of Naples and Mount Vesuvius, which leads to the old house via Pastures and by Alessandro Manzoni (formerly "by Patrizi"). Another important artery is Via Orazio, passing through Via Petrarca, connects with Mergellina district of "Porta Posillipo" in the upper part of the neighborhood. In this way there is the view where the famous pine of Naples, Naples dell'oleografia symbol of the twentieth century.

In particular, for Petrarch, the municipality had to establish a security service for drivers of other vehicles slowed down substantially in order to look at the landscape, thus clogging up traffic. The problem was solved by setting up parking and a long terrace.

Among the four streets, Via Posillipo has the highest number of ancient buildings, while the other three were intensely involved in the massive construction of post-war town, although not reaching the excesses of other areas of the municipality. 

There are many restaurants on the entire hill.

In the district of Posillipo are several villages: Villanova di Posillipo (ie port Posillipo), Hamlet of Posillipo, Holy layer, and the best known of all Marechiaro, with the characteristic "Scoglione."

There are also numerous monuments and sites of historical and artistic interest: 
the Virgilian Park (formerly Memorial Park); important water villas such as Villa Rosebery, the summer residence of the President of the Italian Republic, Roman buildings which let through a tunnel called Cave Sejanus, to reach the Roman ports of Pozzuoli, Portus Julius and Misenum.

From 1912 this district lies the Pontifical Seminary Interregional Campano, of great importance for the seminarians of the Ecclesiastical Province bell and many dioceses in the territory of neighboring regions. It is bordered to the west by the districts of Bagnoli and Fuorigrotta and to the east by the Chiaia district. To the south, overlooking the Gulf of Naples, belonging to the Tyrrhenian Sea.

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